Rivermoor operates as a semi-private golf club.

Annual Golf Memberships

Memberships Includes:

  • Unlimited Weekday or Weekend Golf
  • Member Charge Account for Bar, Restaurant & Pro Shop
  • Discounted Golf Shop Merchandise
  • Guest Passes
  • Extended/Preferred Tee Times
  • Golf simulator discount
  • Members Only Events
Membership Price
Weekday: $995.00
Weekday With Cart: $1495.00
7 Day: $1195.00
7 Day With Cart: $1895.00
Twilight Weekday With Cart: $895.00
Twilight 7 Day With Cart: $1295.00
Junior Executive (under 40 years of age): $995.00
Junior Executive (under 40 years of age) with cart: $1595.00
Couples (Must live in same household) $100.00 more per Child Under 18 can be added on: $1895.00**
Couples With Cart (Must live in same household) $100.00 more per Child Under 18 can be added on: $2695.00**
Junior Membership Under 18 years of age. (Restricted Tee Times): $250.00
10 Round Punch Cards (18 HOLES w/cart: Weekends after noon & Weekdays ANY TIME): $320.00
WSGA Handicap Fee (Annual Fee): $30.00

Weekday: $995.00
Weekday With Cart: $1495.00

7 Day: $1195.00
7 Day With Cart: $1895.00

Twilight weekday With Cart: $895.00
Twilight 7day With Cart: $1295.00

Junior Executive: (under 40 years of age) $995.00
Junior Executive: (under 40 years of age) w/cart $1595 .00

Couples: $1895.00** (Must live in same household)
Couples With Cart: $2695.00**. (Must live in same household)
**$100.00 more per Child Under 18 can be added on.

Junior Membership: $250.00 Under 18 years of age. (Restricted Tee Times)

10 Round Punch Cards: $320.00
18 HOLES With Cart: Weekends after noon & Weekdays ANY TIME

WSGA Handicap Fee: Annual Fee – $30.00

RATES VALID UNTIL MARCH 1ST, 2024. 10% increase after deadline date.



Junior Application


Membership Application


Reserve A Tee Time